- Photo Stories
- Single Photographs
- Mobile Photographs
Photo Submission Process
Email at:
Submission Period
27 February, 2020 (00:00:01 BD Local Time) – 15 March, 2020 (23:59:59 BD Local Time)
Jubair Bin Iqbal
World Health Organization
Munir uz Zaman
Agency France Press (AFP)
K. M. Asad
Zuma Press
Terms and Conditions Regarding Photo submission
- Submission of photos exhibited previously in any other exhibition is strongly discouraged.
- Photographs that include sculptures, statues, paintings, and other works of art will be accepted as long as they do not constitute copyright infringement or fraud.
- The photograph must be the sole work of the entrant. By entering, the entrant confirms that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, and claim in the photograph.
- The photograph must not contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content.
- Photographers will be notified about registration process, fees and deadlines after the result is published. If any ‘selected’ photographer fails to complete the registration process within the registration deadline his/her photograph(s) will be disqualified and priority will be given to the waiting list.
- Judges & curator hold the right of altering any selected images.(like, cropping, conversion to black and white, flipping etc.)
- HSTUPS holds the right to examine the authenticity of the photograph/source material in order to confirm compliance with these rules.
- HSTUPS can use the submitted photographs for promotional activities, but HSTUPS will not use any photograph for business purpose.
- Photos with watermarks are not eligible for submission.