A documentary Photography book on Autism success stories.
A very rare documentary photography book on autism success stories “Let’s break the silence” by Joya Korem has been published from the famous Publishing house ‘Yukta’.
The Documentary Photographer Joya Korem has extensively worked with the special children over years and specially tried to focus on their success story. During her work, she has witnessed the severity of sufferings of those children and also observed the stigma about Autism that persists in the society. The Photographer’s experience during her photo shoots made her realize that the magic word could help these children to survive and thrive in this society is ‘care’. She has introduced 7 exclusive cases of special children with different levels of severity and special needs belonging from different socio economic groups. Currently their responses to external cues have improved tremendously and they have shown remarkable behavioral improvement. Alongside, the Photographer has extensively worked with 15 other special children and closely observed their activities at their homes and schools both in rural and urban areas of the Country to depict a complete view.

She has also collected the viewpoint of some parents of special children those she believes can bring inspiration and hope to thousands of other parents who are experiencing the same challenging tasks of raising special children.
Being a photographer, she has captured their daily habits, sufferings, moments of worries and joy, confidence; how they are taught and cared at their schools and by their parents, how they sing, dance, learn, draw and work. Besides, she has captured the exciting moments of their gradual response and development stages.
However, her yearlong work with the special children reveals two powerful messages to the society, one for the general people to ‘care’ for the special children; another for the parents of the special children that, keep on caring; there are hope and success stories also! She is intended to create common awareness by sharing her experience and convey the messages to the society.