Photo: Daria Shevtsova
In Bangladesh Food Adulteration has increased alarmingly over the last few years.
It has become a serious health risk for the people of the country. Most of the food
items on the market like fish, fruits, oils, vegetables, and sweetmeats are
adulterated with hazardous chemicals in an indiscriminate manner.
Poisonous residues in food items are occuring worst impacts on people causing
serious diseases like cancer. It also damages vital human organs like liver, kidney,
and heart along with affecting children’s mental and physical growth. According
to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food & Agriculture Organization
(FAO), nearly 45 lakh people in Bangladesh are being infected with various
diseases every year.
Various organisations are creating active awareness to the people against this
serious issue. The Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP)
and organisations like “Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA)” , “Consumer
Association of Bangladesh (CAB)” are some of them. Many campaigns are
organised by non-profit organisations too.
In spite of all these measures and deterrents, the practice is not going to stop.
Law alone can never eradicate the curse from society. The producers of those
consuming products should abandon the greedy mentality of gaining excessive
profit on the products. The consumers should also become more aware of those
adulterated products.
In term of being affected by food adulteration the mass people should take
initiatives to get rid of this tragedy. All the awareness by the specialists should be
followed. By awareness and strong steps we can build a prosperous Bangladesh.